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The Truth About Hidden Figures

Hey guys! This post is my first blog.

I have decided that it is time to speak. The series of conversations that are about to commence (yes conversations! I want to hear your feedback) will be a little different than what many of you that follow me are accustomed to hearing. Usually, my public speaking and writing are centered around biblical teaching and prophetic impartation; however, this blog will be geared towards addressing real-life issues with real-life answers.

When you are trying to survive life, you don't need pseudo responses to diabolical threats against your wellness. You need someone to keep it "a buck" and expose the truth that you are unable to detect. I fully intend to disclose the truth through this blog. The level of realness may anger some, while others may appreciate a fresh take. Either way, I'm beginning this journey. So enter and have some Tea with Tiffany.

I saw the movie hidden figures with Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monàe, and Octavia Spencer. I must say it was a powerful movie! It loudly addresses the issue of intersectional discrimination. It is a cinematic depiction of how African American women fought for the recognition of their work contribution and career progression in the US space program. Here is a quick sociology lesson for those that are unfamiliar with this terminology. Intersectionality is a term that was coined by black feminist Kimberlè Crenshaw. The theory behind intersectionality is that one's social categorizations (i.e., race, class, and gender) are used to reinforce discriminatory oppression or disadvantage.

Intersectional disadvantage is still alive today. As African American women (yes I'm black for those that were unsure. Not Rachel Dolezal's version of black either), there is a constant fight for the acknowledgment and recognition of our brilliance, innovation, and giftedness. The actresses in the movie did a phenomenal job of depicting our past and present inequality. What the film didn't show, which has been many of our experiences, is that if our greatness is acknowledged, it comes at a cost. Often after a display of greatness, we are in some way, shape, or form sexually objectified and even characterized as promiscuous so that the potency of our genius is diluted.

We have to first fight through classism to even be able to brush shoulders with a particular group of people so that opportunities will open for us. Certain doors are shut because of racial bias. Our "blackness" does not always fit the agenda of the majority. When we are able to walk through a door of opportunity, we have to fight through the whispering doubts of capability stemming from gender bias. It's exhausting. We don't have the luxury of exposing our flaws, struggle, or moments of "humanness" out of fear of immediately being labeled emotional, aggressive, promiscuous, or even disqualified. This is the experience of intersectionality on a ground level.

If you maintain an esteemed platform, the experience is intensified. You have to calculate every move so that you aren't stigmatized. For example, at thirty-something years old, I have never dated publicly. I have never posted a photo of a boyfriend, never changed my Facebook status to in a relationship....for God's sake, I still haven't announced my fiancé to the public. Why? Because the moment you expose your personal life, that information is taken and perverted to disqualify you. For this reason, public figures are often forced to become "hidden figures" in their personal lives so that everything they work for isn't ruined by truth mixed with rumors.

People are evil. They will circulate lies to keep you from reaching the pinnacle that you were born to reach. I have read blogs and discussion forums about me that are entirely incorrect and based on half-witted assumptions. I may one day address these foolish assumptions, but in the meantime, these negative minded bloggers can think what they want.

Talks with Tiffany Blog: Friday's at 12 pm

Intersectional discrimination is something that you have to fight through if you are a minority woman that wasn't born into an upper-class family. When your genius is recognized, you have to fight through labels and sexual objectification. Female public figures become "hidden figures" in their personal lives to avoid negative labeling.

Talks with Tiffany Blog: Friday's at 12pm

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